Business and finance. In planning for a new item, a manufacturer assumes that?

business finance
Joy L asked:

Business and finance. In planning for a new item, a manufacturer assumes that
the number of items produced x and the cost in dollars C of producing these items
are related by a linear equation. Projections are that 100 items will cost $10,000 to
produce and that 300 items will cost $22,000 to produce. Find the equation that
relates C and x.

Can someone please explain??


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This entry was posted on Saturday, April 18th, 2009 at 7:04 pm and is filed under Business Finance. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

One Response to “Business and finance. In planning for a new item, a manufacturer assumes that?”

  1. flyash391 Says:

    10000 = 100x + b
    22000 = 300x + b
    subtract the equations
    12000 = 200x
    x = 60

    10000 = 100(60) + b
    b = 10000 - 6000 = 4000


    Cost = 60 x + 4000