Why would business/finance students NOT want to participate in adventurous activities?

business finance
beachbum asked:

Apart from the obvious fears like drowning, heights, spiders.

Some adventurous activities include: kayaking, caving, hiking, surfing, rock climbing, rafting.

In a speech I’m giving, I’m trying to persuade students in my class to take up an outdoor activity and I’m trying to isolate why they might resist.


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This entry was posted on Thursday, January 21st, 2010 at 12:13 am and is filed under Business Finance. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

4 Responses to “Why would business/finance students NOT want to participate in adventurous activities?”

  1. Wahoo Says:

    Perhaps it is not their interest.

  2. General Custer Says:

    All that studying has gotten them out of shape, so they can’t do what you’re asking.

  3. Chuck M Says:

    Maybe they don’t want to get sweaty/dirty? In addition, maybe they are habitual people who don’t like doing new things.

  4. Andy G [Join The Resistance] Says:

    For firms in the summer intern for firms in this field see those kinds of them do them do them do them on their time and hike but my schedule is different than everyone elses so go myself.
    My schedule is different than everyone elses so go myself.